Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In The Beginning...

Alternately titled:  I Have a Dream


Are We There Yet?

I want to be a photographer.  I have ZERO formal training, just pick up tips wherever I can.  I have a great camera...a Canon Rebel T1I.  I love it.  It probably does not love me.  But I am getting out of "auto" and moving  on.  Sometimes I get great results...most of the time adequate.  But I think there are many people out there in the same boat.

Confession:  I take my children to Wal-Mart and get their photos taken several times a year.

I am a mommy blogger, have been for a few years.  But no one wants to see 20 pictures of the same thing.

I want to be able to post pictures that I took, and love.  And then be able to look at them critically and decide what I like best.  And then later re-visit them and decide what I don't like anymore.

I want to enter different "photo things" without them taking over my mommy blog.

So, in the beginning...there was me.  And I'm going to take pictures to my hearts content.  And post them.  For me.